Objectives and scope
Now on its 11th edition, TASE is an international symposium that aims to bring together researchers and developers from academia and industry with interests in the theoretical aspects of software engineering. We invite submissions of research papers on topics covering all theoretical aspects of software engineering, including, but not limited to, the following:- Abstract interpretation
- Algebraic and co-algebraic specifications
- Aspect oriented software
- Component-based systems
- Cyber-physical systems
- Deductive verification
- Distributed and concurrent systems
- Embedded and real-time systems
- Feature-oriented software
- Formal verification and program semantics
- Integration of formal methods
- Language design
- Model checking and theorem proving
- Object-oriented systems
- Program logics and calculi
- Quantum computation
- Run-time verification and monitoring
- Service-oriented and cloud computing
- Software architecture
- Software testing and quality assurance
- Software security and reliability
- Static analysis of programs
- Type systems and behavioural typing
- Tools exploiting theoretical results
Venue and event
TASE 2017 will be held on the the SophiaTech Campus in Sophia Antipolis, France, on 13 - 15 September 2017.Submission
We solicit contributions that describe original and unpublished research, and should not be submitted for publication elsewhere. They are limited to 8 pages, must be written in English, and the format should adhere to the A4 double column IEEE style. You can download the latex and word template from IEEE websitehttp://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html
Papers should be submitted electronically as a PDF file via the Easychair system athttp://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tase2017
The proceedings of the TASE 2017 symposium will include all accepted papers. The proceedings will be published on IEEE Explore. As last year, selected papers will be invited after the symposium to submit an extended version to a journal special issue Science of Computer Programming.